Introduction Amla which is known as Emblica officinalis is an Indian herb which is extensively used in ayurvedic system of medicine.
Amla is a prestigious herb finds it mention in charak samhita as a rasayan. Rasayan is a thing that prevent aging and promote longevity.
Extensively used herb in making ayurvedic medicines because of its miraculous actions. According to ayurvedic doctors regular usage of Amla will make you live more than 100 years like a youth.
Amla is supposed to rejuvenate all the organ systems of the body, provide strength and wellness. It keeps us away from all the diseases by boosting our immune system.
It is believed by ayurvedic practitioners that if an individual regularly takes amla he can live up to an age of 100 without suffering from any type of ailments. In this article let us find out more about this magical herb and see where we can imply it in our own life.
Fresh fruit is refrigerant, diuretic and laxative. Fruit is also carminative and stomachic.
Dried fruit is sour and astringent. Bark is astringent. The herb is also aphrodisiac, haemostatic, nutritive tonic and rejuvenative. It increases red blood cell count. Amalaki is one of the highest natural source of Vitamin C (3,000 mg per fruit).
Amla fruit paste is main ingredient of Chyawanprash, a popular Ayurvedic tonic.
Amla is known as amritphale in Sanskrit, which literally means the fruit of heaven or nectar fruit. It is so called because it is rich in many desirable properties. It was described in a 7th century Ayurvedic medical text. According to several scholars, the sage Chyawan is reputed to have restored his vitality with this fruit. Researches of modern times have proved that Regular use of Amla enhances production of Red Blood Cells, strengthens teeth, hair and nails. Regulates Blood Sugar and lipids in cell membranes has anti-inflammatory effect. It is found to be useful in hemorrhoids, gastritis and colitis. It is also proved to be effective in eye problems especially in inflammations, Improves sight and is useful for cataracts. Prevents premature graying of hair and makes them strong and free from dandruff. Improves immunity and protects heart, brain and other vital organs of body.
Amla which is known as Emblica officinalis is an Indian herb which is extensively used in ayurvedic system of medicine. It is believed by ayurvedic practitioners that if an individual regularly takes amla he can live up to an age of 100 without suffering from any type of ailments. In this article let us find out more about this magical herb and see where we can imply it in our own life.
Amla which is known as Emblica officinalis is an Indian herb which is extensively used in ayurvedic system of medicine. It is believed by ayurvedic practitioners that if an individual regularly takes amla he can live up to an age of 100 without suffering from any type of ailments. In this article let us find out more about this magical herb and see where we can imply it in our own life. The fruit is the richest source of Vitamin C and is a diuretic, aperient, Laxative and hair dye. It cures insomnia and is healthy for hair. It is used as the cardio protective, useful in hemorrhage, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea and discharge of blood from uterus.
Amla power and oil are used traditionally in Ayurvedic applications for the treatment of scalp.
Amla power improves immunity and gives physical strength. It improves complexion and removes wrinkles.
Amla is also used to treat constipation and is used as a cooling agent to reduce the effects of sun strokes and sun burns. It is the main ingredient used in the shampoo.
Amla oil is used all the world. Amla is used in sauces, candy, dried chips, pickle, jellies and powder. It is even used in the dyeing industry. It extract is popularly used in the ink. Amla wood is commonly used in firework.
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